Living with 23 Roommates in NYC: This Brooklyn Apartment Could Be Your Dream (Or Nightmare)
Cnbc4 weeks ago

Living with 23 Roommates in NYC: This Brooklyn Apartment Could Be Your Dream (Or Nightmare)

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  • A 33-year-old engineer in New York City lives with 23 roommates in a communal building in Brooklyn.

  • He pays $2,100 per month for his room, which includes amenities like WiFi, utilities, cleaning, and a communal breakfast.

  • The building has shared spaces like coworking areas, an outdoor patio, and a finished basement with a giant couch for everyone.

  • While the experience has similarities to a college dorm, Abeysekera says the residents are more respectful and mature.

  • He has formed strong friendships with his roommates and feels that communal living has enriched his life in New York.

  • Living with so many roommates is not for everyone, but it's a unique way to experience city life in New York.

Living with 23 Roommates in NYC: One Man's Story of Shared Housing

In the notoriously expensive city of New York, it's no surprise to see people in their late 20s and early 30s sharing apartments to manage costs. But Ishan Abeysekera, a 33-year-old engineer, has taken that concept to a whole new level. He lives in a communal building in Brooklyn with a whopping 23 roommates!

He decided that communal living would be a great way to make friends in a new city after moving from London in 2022. Abeysekera found his home at Cohabs, a company that offers fully furnished bedrooms and communal living spaces in various cities around the world.

His current home is a four-story, 24-bedroom building in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. He pays $2,100 per month for his room, which includes WiFi, utilities, household supplies, weekly cleaning, and monthly communal breakfast.

Despite having so many roommates, Abeysekera says the experience is surprisingly positive. The building has shared amenities like coworking spaces, an outdoor patio, and a finished basement with a giant couch that can fit all the residents.

While some might think it's similar to a college dorm, Abeysekera believes the residents are more respectful and mature. He has formed strong friendships with people he's met through Cohabs and feels it has enriched his life in New York.

<br><figure> <img src="" alt="Abeysekera's room in a Brooklyn communal living space." width="100%"> <figcaption>Abeysekera's room in a Brooklyn communal living space. </figcaption> </figure> <br>

Is Communal Living Right for You?

Living with 23 roommates might not be for everyone, but it's a unique way to experience city life in New York. If you're looking to save money, meet new people, and live in a lively environment, it could be worth considering.


  • Affordable rent
  • Build a strong community
  • Access to shared amenities
  • Opportunity to meet people from all walks of life


  • Limited privacy
  • Potential for conflict
  • Shared spaces can be crowded
  • Adjusting to a large number of roommates

Ultimately, the decision comes down to your individual needs and preferences. If you're comfortable with shared living and want to experience something different, communal living in New York could be an exciting adventure.



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