Paris Ditched Cars for Bikes: Can NYC Do The Same?
The New York Times4 weeks ago

Paris Ditched Cars for Bikes: Can NYC Do The Same?

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  • Paris has transformed its streets, prioritizing bikes over cars with protected bike lanes, mid-block crosswalks, and delivery zones.

  • Bike use in Paris now exceeds car use, with 11.2% of trips made by bike compared to 4.3% by car.

  • NYC can learn from Paris's example by investing in safer cycling infrastructure and promoting bike-sharing programs.

  • A bike-friendly NYC would reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, and create quieter streets.

  • Paris is working to make cycling more inclusive for older adults and people with disabilities.

  • Despite challenges, New York City has the potential to become a cycling haven.

Is Paris the Future of NYC Streets?

The City of Lights is leading the way in sustainable urban transportation, and New York City might learn a thing or two. Parisian streets, once choked with traffic and smog, are now buzzing with bicycles thanks to Mayor Anne Hidalgo's bold plan to prioritize bikes over cars.

A woman bicycles past a sign that says PARIS 2024 and displays the Olympic Rings.

Here's how Paris is doing it:

  • Protected Bike Lanes: Paris has built miles of protected bike lanes, separating cyclists from drivers with concrete barriers. This makes cycling safer and more enjoyable.
  • Mid-Block Crosswalks: Pedestrians feel safer with mid-block crosswalks, as drivers can see them more easily.
  • Delivery Zones: Designated areas for loading and unloading help keep trucks off the main streets.

The Numbers Don't Lie

Parisian bike use has skyrocketed, now exceeding car use with 11.2% of trips made by bike compared to just 4.3% by car. Major streets like Rue de Rivoli have more lanes dedicated to bikes than cars, highlighting the shift in priority.

Lessons for NYC?

While New York City has made some progress with bike infrastructure, Paris shows us how to go even further. Think: protected bike lanes, safer crosswalks, and fewer cars dominating the streets. Imagine a NYC where cycling is the most efficient and enjoyable way to get around.

Bicyclists fill an intersection on a Parisian street.

The city's bike-sharing program, Vélib, proved to be a popular alternative to the subway during the Olympic Games, demonstrating the potential for similar programs in NYC.

The benefits of a bike-friendly city are clear:

  • Reduced Traffic Congestion: Fewer cars on the road mean less gridlock.
  • Cleaner Air: Cycling is a sustainable mode of transportation, reducing emissions.
  • Quieter Streets: The hum of cars is replaced by the peaceful sound of wheels rolling.

A Vision for a Better NYC

Even with the success of Paris, challenges remain. Many are concerned that prioritizing bikes might leave older or disabled individuals behind. However, Paris is actively working on making cycling more inclusive by developing specialized bikes and supporting companies that cater to diverse needs.

Urban designer Mikael Colville-Andersen believes that New York City has the potential to become a cycling haven. He points to the city's low car ownership rates and its “bombastic” attitude, highlighting our ability to embrace change and go “all in!”

Could NYC become a bike-centric city? The future is ours to create.



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