Queensboro Bridge Pedestrian Path Delayed Again:  Winter is Coming for Walkers and Cyclists
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Queensboro Bridge Pedestrian Path Delayed Again: Winter is Coming for Walkers and Cyclists

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  • The opening of the pedestrian path on the Queensboro Bridge has been delayed again, pushing it to at least winter.

  • The DOT blames the delay on an ongoing upper deck rehabilitation project, stating that closing lanes would cause traffic gridlock.

  • Local officials and advocates are criticizing the DOT for prioritizing car traffic over pedestrian and cyclist safety.

  • The Queensboro Bridge currently sees a record number of pedestrians and cyclists using its single lane, leading to conflicts and safety concerns.

  • The latest delay adds to a long history of postponements, stretching back to 2017.

Queensboro Bridge Pedestrian Path Delayed Again: Winter is Coming for Walkers and Cyclists

The long-awaited pedestrian path on the Queensboro Bridge is facing yet another delay, pushing back the opening to at least winter. The Department of Transportation (DOT) blames the delay on an ongoing upper deck rehabilitation project, stating that closing multiple lanes would lead to gridlock.

This delay, however, is not sitting well with local officials and advocates. Council Member Julie Won, representing the Queens side of the bridge, slammed the DOT for prioritizing cars over pedestrians and cyclists. The bridge currently sees a record number of pedestrians and cyclists using its single lane, with many conflicts arising due to the cramped space.

This latest delay comes on top of several previous postponements, stretching back to 2017. The DOT initially promised the opening for this summer but has now shifted it to an indefinite winter date.

The Queensboro Bridge's pedestrian path continues to be a source of frustration for those who want to walk or bike across the iconic span. The DOT's decision to prioritize car traffic over pedestrian and cyclist safety has prompted anger and disappointment from local representatives and advocates. With the latest delay pushing the opening into winter, many are concerned about the safety and accessibility of the bridge for pedestrians and cyclists during the colder months.

What's Next?

The DOT has stated that the opening of the pedestrian path will now be aligned with the completion of the upper deck rehabilitation project, which could potentially extend the delay even further. Local officials and advocates are demanding that the DOT commit to a concrete timeline for the opening and ensure that the project is prioritized.



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